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Slimming and weight loss programs are very popular nowadays, both for the purpose of looking fantastic and also increasing health awareness. Obesity isn’t just an aesthetically unattractive, but affects the performance of our daily lives too. A proper weight loss program is actually a combination of various procedures. It requires more than just running a strict diet but also involves a change of lifestyle. It is absolutely imperative that a treatment is based on understanding a patient’s lifestyle thoroughly, and further consultation could ensue from there. What makes us special is our ability to administer treatments in a sustainable manner without the help of slimming products.


Unretouched Real Results

Frequently Asked Questions

Am I a candidate?

Most patients can benefit from a truSculptflex treatment. During your consultation, your provider will discuss with you if you are a candidate, based on your health and medical history.

How many treatments are needed?

Up to eight areas can be treated in one 45 minute session. Remarkable results can be achieved with as little as four treatments. Additional treatments may be required to achieve the personalized results you desire.

How does it feel?

As the treatment begins, patients feel a gentle contraction sensation and, as the intensity slowly increases, the muscle contraction intensifies. The results are even and consistent.

Is there any downtime?

TruSculptfles is non-invasive, required no recovery time and patients are able to immediately return to normal activities after the treatment. Post procedure, patients may notice tingling in the areas treated for up to a few hours and/ or slight muscle soreness or tenderness for 24-72hours.

When will I see results?

Maximum results are generally visible 8-12 weeks after the last session.